I Sverige, Estland och Lettland genomför vi just nu projektet BE The Future. BE The Future är ett tillfälle för tjejer att börja sin entreprenörsresa, utveckla sitt ledarskap och driva eget företag. Fram till den 23 januari har tjejer i ålder 15-18 år som bor i Örebro län, Gotland, Gävleborg, Stockholm, Södermanland, Uppsala, Östergötland eller Västmanland möjlighet att söka till projektets tredje omgång.
Under sex månader kommer du och ditt team lära er vad det innebär att driva ert företag och arbeta i ett internationellt team. Din egen mentor, regionala träffar och webbinarier kommer att stödja dig i under tiden. Du kan komma med eller utan en idé! Du hittar din idé och ditt team under kickoffen som är den 3-6 mars.
Läs mer och ansök senast 23 januari via länken nedan
Project summary:
The main objective of the project BE the Future, aimed at young females from Sweden, Estonia and Latvia, is to raise awareness of self-employment as a career option, create a positive attitude towards entrepreneurial activity, encourage the target group to test their ideas and see entrepreneurship as a potential career option. Entrepreneurial activity can be an effective tool for young people to enter the labour market. Even though young people are likely to have entrepreneurial ambitions, it does not necessarily lead to the development of a successful business. The three-year project will promote entrepreneurial mindsets through peer networking, sharing of best experiences and resources as well as engaging a ring of mentors for inspiration and guidance. The project aims to prepare, coach and support 225 young future female entrepreneurs from the three countries in the planning and development of student companies. By the end of the project, at least 50 student companies will have been created, which will be able to translate entrepreneurial intention into practice.
Project activities:
First cycle (November 2020 - March 2021)
Kick-off event in Örebro
Local meetups and mentoring sessions
Kick-out event in LatviaSecond cycle (September 2021 - March 2022)
Kick-off event in Estonia
Local meetups and mentoring sessions
Kick-out event in SwedenThird cycle (April 2022 - September 2022)
Kick-off event in Latvia
Local meetups and mentoring sessions
Kick-out event in Estonia
Project target group:
girls in the age of 15 - 18years
Project partners:
Lead partner (Sweden): Emax Sweden Economicassociation
Partner (Latvia): Green and Smart Technology Cluster
Partner (Estonia): Tartu Centre forCreative Industries
Project duration: 01.02.2020 - 31.12.2022
Project budget: 880122.13 €
ERDF: 700627.45 €
Do you want to know more about BE the Future?
Contact us!